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Projects offered

Advanced fiber optic sensor for multiplex chemical analysis

The objective of this project is the multiplex detection of chemical substances from an advanced fiber optic sensor developed according to an original process for applications in the sensor sector.

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The objective of this project is the multiplex detection of chemical substances from an advanced fiber optic sensor developed according to an original process for applications in the sensor sector.

You will be required to participate in the design and manufacture of a microstructured optical fiber on which will be integrated nanostructured materials synthesized using various cutting-edge processes. This strategy will make it possible to locally modify the surface chemistry and to obtain improved optical characteristics, thereby increasing the performance of the fiber as a sensor for the multiplex analysis of chemical substances.

The advanced fiber optic sensor will be fabricated in the laboratories of Pr. Younès Messaddeq at the Center for Photonics and Lasers Optics (COPL), where the diverse expertise of the research team and the high quality of the laboratory provide a training environment. exceptional to students. You will be supervised by a postdoctoral fellow and a senior scientific researcher in addition to the principal researcher.

The selected individual will ideally have experience in materials synthesis processes and optical characterization techniques including Raman and UV/Vis. She will have basic knowledge of MATLAB, LABVIEW, C++ and Python programming. Good knowledge of spoken and written English is desirable.

Research Field

- Nanophotonic materials
- Optical fiber
- Optical sensors
- Advanced materials
- Spectroscopy/Microscopy
- Surface chemistry

Research Supervisor

Younès Messaddeq

Research Environment

Centre d'optique, photonique et laser (COPL)

The research will take place in the laboratories of the Center for Optics, Photonics and Lasers (COPL) on the campus of Laval University


Financial Aid Available by Program of Study

PhD in chemistry, PhD in chemical engineering, PhD in materials and metallurgical engineering, PhD in physics, Master's in chemistry - with thesis, Master's in chemical engineering - with thesis, Master's in materials and metallurgical engineering - with thesis , Masters in Physics - with thesis

Desired Profile

- Chemistry
- Mining Engineering, Materials and Metallurgy
- Physical
- Chemical Engineering

Required Documentation

- Letter of recommendation
- Cover letter
- Curriculum vitae
- Transcript

Find Out More

Younès Messaddeq
Département de physique, de génie physique et d'optique

Réalisation par / Realization by Mehran Ahadi