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Projects offered

Development of a sensory stimulation device with a low latency feedback loop to maximize neuronal entrainment in the brain

The Antoine Godin and Benoît Gosselin research group at Laval Université (CERVO Brain Research Centre) are recruiting a master's student to join an interdisciplinary team that is developing non-invasive methods that reduce fear and anxiety behavior following traumatic experiences. This is a project in collaboration with Robert Rozeske (University of Toronto). The student will work with a team consisting of neuroscientists, clinicians, engineers, and physicists to develop technologies that optimize tools for non-invasive neural activity entrainment. Our goal is to combine a system that measures neuronal activity in response to rhythmic sensory stimulation, with a low-latency feedback device that will modulate sensory stimulation patterns to maximize neuronal entrainment.

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The Antoine Godin and Benoît Gosselin research group at Laval Université (CERVO Brain Research Centre) are recruiting a master's student to join an interdisciplinary team that is developing non-invasive methods that reduce fear and anxiety behavior following traumatic experiences. This is a project in collaboration with Robert Rozeske (University of Toronto). The student will work with a team consisting of neuroscientists, clinicians, engineers, and physicists to develop technologies that optimize tools for non-invasive neural activity entrainment. Our goal is to combine a system that measures neuronal activity in response to rhythmic sensory stimulation, with a low-latency feedback device that will modulate sensory stimulation patterns to maximize neuronal entrainment.

During this project, the student will be exposed to the following techniques in rodent models:
- In vivo extracellular recording of neuronal activity
- Electrophysiology signal analysis
- Optogenetics
- Behavioural analysis

- Programming skills (Python or Matlab)
- Undergraduate degree in physics or engineering
- Strong organizational, communication, and troubleshooting skills

Research Field

- Neuroscience
- In vivo imaging
- Electrophysiology
- Low latency feedback loop
- Brain diseases

Research Supervisors

Antoine Godin
Benoit Gosselin

Research Environment

CERVO Brain Research Centre

The CERVO Research Center, one of Canada's leading neuroscience and mental health centers, focuses on the root causes of brain diseases. It brings together some sixty researchers in charge of research teams with more than 400 people, offering multidisciplinary expertise, ranging from membrane biophysics to social intervention, and the psychology of cognition.

The CERVO Research Center is devoted to the study of neurosciences and mental health. Its mission is to advance knowledge about the causes and treatment of neurological and psychiatric illnesses by developing new technologies and methodologies to unravel the mysteries of the brain and by continuously linking basic and clinical research.

Web Site

Financial Aid Available by Program of Study

Doctorate in Biophotonics, Doctorate in Electrical Engineering, Doctorate in Neurosciences, Doctorate in Physics, Master's Degree in Biophotonics with thesis, Master's Degree in Computer Science with thesis, Master's Degree in Electrical Engineering with thesis, Master's Degree in Neurosciences with thesis, Master's Degree in Physics with thesis

Desired Profile

- Biomedical Science
- Computer Software
- Physics
- Electrical Engineering
- Physics Engineering

Required Documentation

- Cover letter
- Curriculum vitæ
- Student transcript

Find Out More

Antoine Godin
Professeur adjoint
Département de psychiatrie et de neurosciences


Réalisation par / Realization by Mehran Ahadi